Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Sorry for taking so long...

Yes I realize it's been about forever since my last post and I apologize. Things have been busy and when they slow down I don't really feel like blogging.
But finally tonight I kick my butt enough to come leave a little note on my blog for those of you who still check it out.

Lately I've been to a Halloween party, surfing, training for a marathon, and I've started doing pilates. It's been kind of crazy. People are coming and people are leaving and it's tough keeping up with everything.

Two weekends ago the AET's had a halloween party. There were "E-Males", cats, Kendo players, dorky prom guys, cows, cowgirls, Harry Potter and his Mogule, and a variety of other ideas represented. I, being the creative girl that I am, went as a "mistreated doll." I had cotton coming out of my wrists, nasty hair, a dirty face, and torn hose. OH! And only one shoe. The night held a chili contest and a costume contest. I tied for 1st in the costume segment of the night. A good time was held by all. I'll get some pics up soon.

Like I said I went surfing for the 4th time a couple days ago and I have to brag on myself a little bit. I stood up for about 5-6 seconds and actually rode a wave before falling over. I also must tell you that I was the only person out in the frigid waters of the Pacific Ocean without a wet suit on. You can either look at that as me being incredibly tough or incredibly stupid. BUT the fact still ramains that I was able to endure the chill of the ocean and still push through to achieve a personal best in surfing.

I'm going to end this little update b/c I just got back from running and I'm tired and want to take a shower before reading and going to bed.

But just so you all know...I miss you. I love my family and friends. God has been good. That's SO just like Him. It's amazing to look back at events that took place only 8 short months ago and have the ability to see what God was trying to show you and thank Him for being patient enough with you to help you through whatever it was you thought was so hard and impossible at the moment. God is constantly amazing me. I hope I'm returning the favor.

I miss you all and I pray God watches over you and keeps you safe.

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