Thursday, March 02, 2006

one more time

I only have one more lesson with my hoikusho kids. They're loud. They're sweet. But most importantly...they're awesome little kids that I only get to see once a month. I'll miss our monthly 2 hour visits.


Anonymous said...

That's a great picture.

Anonymous said...

LACEY!!!! I finally found your blog. From this post I take it that your time in Japan is coming to an end? Or are you just transition to something else? I'd love to hear how you are doing. Talk to you soon, I hope!

amy nickerson said...

Lacey! It's been a while! Shoot girl, I can't believe you're going back soon. When's the official date?

I'm coming back the first week in July...strange! Two years is almost up! Anywho, we have to hang out when we're both back in the states and share stories from both our adventures. I'm curious to hear all that you've been up to!