Monday, February 19, 2007

Mamemaki Taikai

I was under the impression that this little festival was for Setsubun. But I asked a teacher of mine and she was totally positive it went by the name of Mamemaki Taikai. So that's what we'll call it. There's a really good chance this event goes by both names. Between my horrible japanese and their somewhat-okay english is where the name Mamemaki Taikai comes from so I hope I'm not misinforming you.

At any rate this is the event where you cleanse your house of evil spirits by throwing beans at it./them./him. The evil spirit is the thing portrayed by the red monster in tiger shorts. The kids' only goal is to throw all their beans at it./them./him.(in this case it/she. there are only female teachers at this school and they had to make due. gambare sky class teacher. good show.)

They have a saying for this event..."Out with the bad. In with the new."

You might not know that we sort of have the same thing in America. It's called meditation and it's done only by grown-ups...boring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice , new look, Lace!!
Great to see some new 'little ones'.

