Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Japanese style cookout. (complete with bamboo)

These pics are from a few weekends ago when some elementary schoolers invited us to play a friendly game of softball. Seeing as how I hauled my glove all the way from the States, I decided to go and play. My team got the snot kick out of us, but a good time was had by all. I actually have a picture of me rounding the bases, but it's much to embarrassing to post on the world wide web. After the game the parents treated us all to a cookout complete with bamboo cups and chicken on a stick. And if that weren't enough, there was watermelon for dessert. I took the liberty of showing the young players how to spit a seed and encouraged them to compete in said activity.

Here's the deal...a huge amount of noodles were prepared and stored in two large coolers. In order to eat you had to stand on either side of the little bamboo slide and catch the noodles with your chopsticks as they slid down the shoot. The bamboo cups people are holding had a cold, japanese broth in them and after you caught the noodles you put them in your cup to mix with the broth and then you slurped them up. It was delicious. There was also an array of cooked veggies to munch on as well as chicken bits on a stick.

The whole day was a blast and the people were great.

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