Thursday, August 10, 2006

This weekend was soooo boring;)

This was Mito's annual Festival. I'm not totally sure what they were celebrating, but I'll find out and report back. This year it snuck up on me. I went to church one sunday and everyone was talking about the big festival next weekend and then I forgot again until the festival was in full swing. On Friday night we had a big cookout and then walked to the park where the party was goin down. They had fireworks and venders lining the lake I run around. I saw a ton of my students from last year. They are now in 8th grade and look so much older. I really miss them.
Anyway, on Saturday they had the big parade where groups of people danced up and down the street for hours and hours straight in blazing heat. Kudos to them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a really good time! call me sometime! :) ~Linz