Saturday, August 13, 2005

By special request...

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Out of a special request I have posted pics of my school. This is Kasahara Jr. High school. It's summer vacation here, but kids still show up every single day in the sweltering heat to practice their respective sports.

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This is the teachers' room. No teacher ever has their own room b/c that would keep them separated. Plus this makes the day social for the teachers as well as the students.

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This is my desk. I'm the only one in the teachers' room with a fan at my desk. They're nice and understand that I just can't take the heat and humidity like they can. They've lived in this humidity all their lives and I'm pretty new to this level of warmth. They have no AC in the school. We like to open windows and get the air moving. Plus the prime minister asked the people of Japan to do their part in conserving energy so this helps of course. While it's really uncomfortable sitting in a room with no AC in the dead of summer, I think it's pretty cool that the nation can actually reduce the amount of energy they use as a collective whole. Everyone actually does play a role. Another cool thing about it is that they don't look for a medal or blue ribbon for doing their part and helping out. They just do it, expecting nothing in return.

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